Monday, March 22, 2010

Have You Started Your Spring Garden Yet?


Summer Squash & Peppers

Green Beans

We sure have! just started our tomatoes, beans, yellow quash and peppers! From seed, no less...not because we are frugal, they are just that much better, hardier and fun.

We grow our vegetables in tubs. The soil here is just not great, nor do we have a large enough area in the sun in which to lay out a garden.  As you have seen from our snow pictures our property is quite hilly.

Our pots waiting to be filled!

I do plan to have a whole bunch of herbs this year. Basil, parsley, oregano, mint, chives and rosemary to start with.  I'm sure these will be expanded once we go to the store! These will not be started from seed, they definitely take too long and I want to start enjoying them ASAP. My daughter and I are fighting wether to have lettuce or not.  I love frisee and can never find it, but lettuce is so hard to grow, at least in this area, or so I'm told.  Oh well, maybe I'll sneak some under a tree where she won't notice.

This morning we had snow flurries...can you believe? and yesterday was the first day of Spring.  Strange weather indeed.

Note: the germinating pans above are from Lowe's.


  1. Hi Linda- We live about 30 miles south of you, and my husband grows tons of lettuces/salad greens, very easily. You might want to give it a try! I always enjoy your posts.

  2. Dear Tracy,
    does he grow them in pots or in the ground?

  3. My parents retired up in Jasper and grew lettuce, swiss chard, asparagus, corn, okra and lots of others veggies in "that good right Georgia Clay," as my dad would say. They did put in a raised bed for the lettuce & swiss chard.

  4. I am not much of a gardner...yet. Impressive and inspirational.
