Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cocktail Cheese Wafers

There is nothing more Southern than these cheese wafers.  I love to make a batch  to have with cocktails in the evening, particularly when I have weekend guests.  They keep, baked,  in a tin box for a week or two or you can just stick the uncooked dough in the freezer to slice as needed.  They are also a nice hostess present to bring to the lake or the beach.

Yield: About 60 wafers


1 cup flour

1 stick butter, softened

½ lb. extra sharp Cheddar cheese, grated

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ teaspoon salt

Pecan halves


1. Preheat oven to 400°.

2. Mix flour and butter, then add cheese and seasonings. Form into a roll (approximately 1 inch in diameter). Wrap the roll in wax paper and chill at least several hours or overnight. Slice into thin wafers, top each with a pecan half, and bake about 8 minutes.

*I placed butter sliced into 8 pieces and grated cheese in food processor, pulsed 3 or 4 times to integrate. added flour sifted with cayenne and salt and pulsed about five more times to combine.


  1. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I have had something similar and have looked for a good recipe.

    BTW, I really enjoy your blog.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  2. You are so right. These are very Southern. I never thought to decorate them with a pecan half. Great idea.

  3. Penny, They served them at every party when I lived in Hendersonville. One of my friends Willa Allen started a business with them right there in H. heard of her?

    Carolyn, you will find many recipes in the old Junior League cookbooks. Thank you for liking my blog!
