Saturday, July 10, 2010

Family Weekend On the Lake...Dogs Included!

Although I have been critical and snobby about pontoons, this weekend I have decided they are the best for family and lakes, particularly if every member of the family has a dog, or two.

This past Fourth of July weekend the lake house was full and hopping.  My daughter's dear friends from Connecticut, my brother and his family and of course, all the dogs came to spend it with us.  Three labs, one Westie and one...err. whatever (but he is my favorite) also shared in the fun.   The only way to survive one of these weekends is to spend a lot of time outside, which we did, thanks to a gap in the heat  and temperatures down to the 80's.  The fact that my brother brought his boat down didnt hurt either!

Everything went without a hitch.  The menu was great, except I did have to add one extra dinner at the end as some extended their stay an extra day, and now we have the memories, through these pictures, of a great weekend, well planned, well spent and much enjoyed.

Let's get going...I want to get a good seat...

but first one quick swim...and a beer, or two!

neighbors have a party too!

Popcorn, the newest member of the family and my nephew

and away we go...

Sister in law, nephew and...Popcorn!

He is soo wise!

and i'm not?

Ooops, almost forgot these two, they never moved!

Hey, isn't this Cocktail Cove?

Our private island (most of the time)

The welcoming committee...Remember when they were babies?

See you Labor Day!


  1. Nice pics. You seem to live in a priviledge area. Will come down soon, promise.

  2. Looks like a fun day. I've had a lot of experience boating with dogs---6 at a time and it isn't a pontoon boat! I need to get a picture!

  3. Priviledged indeed! we are lucky people to live on such a beautiful lake! Yesterday we took the dogs and the pontoon out on the lake with friends. the water was crystal clear and cooler than in the past weeks when we had two weeks of weather in the 90's.

    I am at work now... counting the hours until I can race home... throw the bating suit on... and head out on the boat for dinner!

  4. Tracy
    You must..maybe we should have a competition.. how many dogs can you get on your boat! or maybe not...

    I'm already planning the menu for tonight's dinner! and it's only Monday
