Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Heartfelt Thanks And A Merry Christmas!

About nine months ago, I moved to this lake with my daughter and our two dogs, Lucy and Lilly.  Life has been, to say the least, quite different but very fullfilling.  I have strived to fill my days with my two blogs and a new life close to my children and grandchildren.  It has been challenging at times but lots of fun most of the time.

This blog, unlike Lindaraxa's Garden, has been a place to post about my new life, our dogs and all our adventures living in the country.  As most of you know, I am at heart a "city" girl and a "northener" but have lived in the country when I was very young and in the South when I was newly married so it hasn't been that tough to adapt.  As a matter of fact my son was born in Asheville, North Carolina.  Who would have thought he would marry a Southener and come down to live not too far from where he was born.

Life here is simpler and more down to earth than New York or Florida.  I have learned a lot this year and made wonderful friends both through this blog and on Twitter where Lucy and I  "hang out" with a group of Westies and their moms from all over the world.  @Snowywestie, @Westiesp @Macintoshwestie @Angusfala and @Missbusybiz are some of those friends and to them I say thank you for a lot of laughs and for being there when I have needed a break. None of my friends (or my kids!) can understand how a grown woman can have fun on Twitter but we do and the friendships I have made there are probably as solid as most of the ones I have made throughout my life.

To my fellow bloggers who follow and comment on this blog, I have left you a message on Lindaraxa's Garden.  To the rest of my readers, thank you for subscribing and commenting, it is most appreciated.

I look forward to another year full of fun, good recipes and lots of entertaining ideas.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Y'All... don't forget to feed the doggies!


  1. @LucyWestie love your Christmas sweater! And you have snow flakes!!
    Merry Christmas (((hugs)) to all xoxo, @SnowyWestie

  2. I think you are getting better all the time -
    a book must definite be the answer . I loved your christmas message , its great fun to know about your life
    Have a wonderful fun and peaceful christmas.

  3. How cute...Lucy with her sweater on.
    Wish you merry xmas from the Netherlands.
    There is lot`s of snow here
    And whe living now in a winterwonderland in the woods

  4. I've enjoyed following your two blogs and look forward to more in 2011. Happy New Year!
