Monday, January 10, 2011

The Winter Of Our Discontent


Hey where's my spot?!

This is the second snow of the winter and the one that looks to stay for at least a couple of days.  We have plenty of food, wood for the fireplace and puzzles to last us through the winter. No sled though, and I'm happy about that, otherwise I would be forced to get on it and who knows how many things I would break. 

We are really stranded here in the hills around Lake Lanier.  There are no plows and no trucks dumping salt in the middle of the night like we had in Connecticut.  The temperature is supposed to stay around the freezing mark for the next couple of days so it looks like we will be hibernating and stuck in the house for awhile.  The roads are a mess and the weathermen on TV all have their sweater vests on.  It is cold. 

Boy, you guys are slow....

This morning we walked down to the lake to see how the dock had fared.  Everything was so quiet, except for the ducks who are probably wondering what the heck is going on.  The dogs had a blast, particularly Miss Lucy who had to get rinsed under warm water to take out the clumps of snow that had gathered around her little legs.  She is out like a light now, curled up next to me in front to the fireplace.

Our northern friends laugh at us and at how bad we are at handling snow.  Truth of the matter is we are just not prepared for this kind of stuff.  There is also the ice for which Atlanta is famous

The road in front of our house

Stay tuned!


  1. Looks like you are having a blast up there! Glad the snow finally came! I think we may be snowbound until Friday down here in the city! Our snow has a crunchy layer on the top that Cosmo can walk on top of.... until he tried to zoom and then he fell in! He didn't like that much... poor doggie. We do need a doggie playday for our pals when the weather gets nicer!
    Diane and Cosmo

  2. Diane, most definitely! let's get Snowy's mom to give us a date. Im most flexible even on weekends. let's do it!when the weather gets warm would love to have u all to the lake. lots of fun for the dogs on the boat.

  3. I completely relate as we just got a big dump of snow on Vancouver island (west coast of Canada) and we are also not prepared for the white stuff. I live in the country and am in hibernation mode and loving it!

    Have fun :-)

  4. We LOVE the lake! That would be so much fun with you and Snowy's mom too! I'm pretty flexible, but weekends are usually best!
    Diane and Cosmo

  5. Lots of snow here in SC, where we also are woefully unprepared. And why should we be since it only happens once every twenty years or so? I'm loving it, but do feel grateful for those who have to be working at hospitals and so on. The infamous ice started about an hour ago, but I am hoping we will not lose power. Hope you are staying warm and safe, too!

  6. Remember last winter when it was SO cold when I came down? Well, at least there was no snow! But....Westies do just love it!

  7. We would be snowed in too if we were at Lake Lure. As it is, while I was walking Miss Daisy yesterday, I saw flocks and flocks of birds heading South. Northern Florida is even too cold for them.
